Wednesday, July 04, 2007

How history may reflect on Dubya

Given that hindsight is 20-20, I often wonder how we may reflect on things in years to come. There's an interesting article in the Washington Post that offers such an insight comparing George Dubya to British politicians circa WWII. Apparently the Prez likens himself to Churchill. In this piece a historian opines that it may not be the original Winnie Blue that Dubya is most like, but rather his predecessor. Sadly I don't think Dubya will be as forgotten as Chamberlain.

Barry Jones offered a slightly more candid insight in his speech at the 8th Annual Manning Clark lecture. He noted that Bush had more in common with Osama than himself – and as is Barry's style, fully backed it up with logical thought.

Ultimately, much of how we reflect on Dubya in years to come will be a function of how the Iraq, Iran, and the Middle East in general fares over the next couple of Presidential terms. Therein lies some hope for the world.

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